Thursday, February 5, 2015

My work: He's A Rockstar

For my senior year at Interlochen I had to make a film to show off everything I'd learned during my time there. They called it "senior thesis." Those of us who had to make them called it "anywhere from four to nine months running around like a headless chicken trying to write, shoot, edit, and produce a short film that would impress prospective colleges."

You wouldn't believe how much work I put into this film. I started writing it the summer before senior year and finally finished the script in November. I shot it January 13-15 2011, edited like a madwoman, got help on the titles, commissioned and supervised the recording of the music, and premiered the damn thing (as I so affectionately called it at that point) at the end-of-year student showcase in May 2011. And the result of all that work? It got into exactly one film festival and was available for streaming--it wasn't even screened.

So, yeah, suffice it to say that this was not the hit of my lifetime. But because I spent basically my entire senior year slaving over it, He's A Rockstar holds a special place in my heart. It's pretty much the ultimate fantasy of my teenage years: meeting and falling in love with the frontman of my favorite band. The kind of movie only a teenage girl would make. But, honestly, when all is said and done, I don't think it's all that bad.

Watch He's A Rockstar HERE.

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